1. Name of victim:
ViperMagi2. Name of offending character(s):
Lord_Voren3. Time and server, as accurately as possible:
Around 1 AM Central Time, NA 14. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after:
Immediately as a new round started, Lord_Voren headshotted ViperMagi with a crossbow and then said "Eqp Screen". It was obviously not an accident.5. Why you think the offender did what he did:
Not entirely sure, but I can venture a guess. ViperMagi has ~300 average ping and, as such, generally performs rather poorly on battle. He also probably has a very limited command of English, which would limit his ability to make a ban thread. Lord_Voren probably dismissed him as being a "chinese leecher" and thought that TKing him would have little in the way of repercussions because there were no admins on at the time.
The funny part, though, is that ViperMagi was actually being more useful to his team than Lord_Voren was. Despite how he was playing with ~300 average ping, ViperMagi had more kills than Lord_Voren and was also higher on the scoreboard (see below).6. Multiple Screenshots:
The teamkillThe scoreboard immediately after the teamkillThe scoreboard from a little later in the same map (compare the performances of ViperMagi and Lord_Voren)7. Names of players that can witness what happened:
Anyone whose name is in one of the scoreboards above.------------------------------------------------------------------------------