Author Topic: Please unban Bowmaster_Paradox  (Read 319 times)

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Offline Lord_Clais

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Please unban Bowmaster_Paradox
« on: January 21, 2014, 06:29:52 pm »
Name under which you were banned - Bowmaster_Paradox
Server(s) you are banned- from It seems ALL EU servers
What was happening when you got banned- played deffend the viscount after join the game i accydentaly spawn without weapons (and i watching in browser shop wtf is going on )   one of HRE admins walk around (he think that iam inactive or watever ) saw it and he gave  me ban on all servers ... no warning
Time and date - around 16:30  21.12.2014
Timezone CET

Offline Fips

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Re: Please unban Bowmaster_Paradox
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2014, 06:54:02 pm »
I first kicked you and then banned you because you obviously didn't learn the lesson with just the kick. If you get kicked by an admin it would be quite logical to browse on the forum/site when you are not ingame, but you decided to stay inactive in a full server.
You're quite new so i will unban you now, but do not do it again.