Steam release confirmed for January 29th for anyone who is waiting to play on steam. The prices will be changing from 8 dollars(Alpha price, on website) on his website to whats unconfirmed as $16(U.S dollars of course. for beta release on steam). I say unconfirmed because, he posted the pricing models on his forum, and surprisingly a lot of people came out to question it, so there is a possibility that the prices may change, but as of now, this is what they are.
This is the link to the forum page which explains his thoughts on steam and their pricing, and what he wants to try with the sale. you are really interested, i would recommend picking it up now before the steam release, get your booties wet, so you can snuff all the noobs.
Okay, so the prices are as followed:
Alpha $8.00
Beta release on steam, for first week 25% off at $12.00
after first week on steam, original price of $16.00
i hope that clarifies it.