btw: I'm totally serious, not exaggerating at all. good logic guyz, i'm being supr srs
Mightiest weapon against cav is AWARENESS. We can only get you if you don´t keep an eye on your surroundings. If you do, the cav people are doomed, because every little fart, even a fuckin glance, can stop a charging horse. And if the horse stays still, it´s mostly over.
Please go and try to play cav, see through the eyes of your enemies and you will see that they have to struggle with similar shit like "THEY 1SHOT MY FUCKING HORSE AGAIN YEH FUCKING GREAT SHIT" or "WHY DID THIS DAGGER STOP MY CHARGING HORSE FUU" or "OH GOD CAN SOMEBODY PLEAAASE KILL THAT HA/HorseThrower/HorseXBow WHO IS CHASING ME OH FUCK DEAD AGAIN"
also, it´s pretty expensive