Hello all, this is Wormhole/Attacking.
For a first part, i want you to forgive me, for my broken english.
The solution in my mind is next: go to your Router's webpage. there (i recommend) add to the DHCP table all your devices, assign to all devices IP adreses. Now, find on your router a page, (should calls, like QoS). There you can assign a priority for ports and/or IP(s), you've setted before. Actually you can assign priority to MAC-adress, but i not recommeded it. for example, i have a table, like that:
Web Surf 80 tcp 0~512 High
HTTPS 443 tcp 0~512 High
File Transfer 80 tcp 512~ Low
File Transfer 443 tcp 512~ Low
Warband Server 7250 tcp/udp Highest
John-book any Lowest
John-pc 192.168.04 any Lowest
Eve-Online 26000 tcp/udp Highest
Warband 55000,7240 tcp/udp Highest - look, here i've assigned the highest priority for Warband ports to my main PC (with ip Make sure, that in the game you have unchecked "use random client port" and the values (ports) are the same - in game, and in your router settings.
Next page i decided priority at all:
Incoming transmission
Values, % min max
Highest 80 100
High 50 80
Medium 5 80
Low 3 80
Lowest 2 25
Outgoing trasmission
Value, %
Highest 100
High 90
Medium 80
Low 80
Lowest 80
The second value (max) making a limit in % from total connection speed.
As you can see, only Warband (+ WB server, and another game "Eve-online") applications can use the full connection speed. Nevermind, if i will download anything, or so, my download speed will be limited to 80%, the least speed capacity should be enought for a game. In same time the pockets from my IP, with ports 55000,7240 - has the highest priority for sending/recieving.
Well. i hope, i give you to know, what should you do. Just make a priority for your PC, and assign a Warband ports to max priority.