This will be handled tomorrow night (hopefully) or on Wednesday. Finals are in full swing. But from what I can see here at first glance, it seems someone will be taking a long break from cRPG.
I've got this; the phrase "better things to do" has rarely seen use in my vocabulary.
This just happened now at 6:55 PM on 12/16/2013, Lemon being a douche. Grannpapy must have seen Lemon trying to bait people which is including me cause he kicked him.
Partially unrelated:
[11:30:34] msg,Burst reported Thelix for teamwounding. Penalty: [1/5]
[11:31:11] kill,Thelix,Thelix,fall
[11:31:29] chat,,Burst,all,hey thelix you dumb shit you nudged me to my death. thanks
[11:35:12] msg,Lemon_ reported Thelix for teamwounding. Penalty: [2/5]
[11:35:26] msg,Lemon_ reported Thelix for teamwounding. Penalty: [3/5]
[11:38:17] msg,Lemon_ reported Thelix for teamwounding. Penalty: [4/5]
[11:38:31] teamkill,Lemon_,Thelix,ranged,Arbalest,Steel Bolts,hb_head
[11:38:31] msg,Thelix team-killed Lemon_
[11:38:33] msg,Lemon_ reported Thelix for teamwounding. Penalty: [5/5]
[11:38:35] disconnect,Thelix
[11:38:35] death,Thelix
[11:38:42] connect,Thelix,,925359,regular,0
[11:40:31] kill,Thelix,Burst,melee,Short Sword,hb_hand_l
[11:40:48] chat,,Lemon_,team,Thelix
[11:40:52] chat,,Lemon_,team,You TKed me
[11:40:52] chat,,Lemon_,team,left
[11:40:54] chat,,Lemon_,team,then relogged
[11:40:57] chat,,Lemon_,team,and double spawned
[11:41:18] chat,,Lemon_,all,Can I send you SS
[11:41:22] chat,,Lemon_,all,of thelix TKing me
[11:44:55] msg,Lemon_ reported Thelix for teamwounding. Penalty: [1/5]
[12:03:25] chat,,Thelix,team,lemon im coming for ya
[12:19:53] msg,[PLAYER2ADMIN][Lemon_] I have a bunch of SS, of Thelix TWing me until he had 4/5
It looks like Thelix started it after all.
[18:54:04] msg,Thelix reported Lemon_ for teamwounding. Penalty: [1/5]
[18:54:15] msg,Lemon_ reported CHINASERF2 for teamwounding. Penalty: [1/5]
[18:54:21] msg,Lemon_ reported CHINASERF2 for teamwounding. Penalty: [2/5]
[18:54:27] msg,Lemon_ reported Thelix for teamwounding. Penalty: [2/5]
[18:54:32] msg,Lemon_ reported CHINASERF2 for teamwounding. Penalty: [3/5]
[18:54:38] msg,Lemon_ reported Thelix for teamwounding. Penalty: [3/5]
[18:55:15] msg,CHINASERF2 reported Lemon_ for teamwounding. Penalty: [3/5]
[18:55:17] msg,CHINASERF2 reported Lemon_ for teamwounding. Penalty: [4/5]
[18:55:22] msg,Lemon_ reported Thelix for teamwounding. Penalty: [4/5]
[18:55:23] msg,GrannPappy kicked player Lemon_.
[18:55:56] chat,,Hewsby,team,lemon gets a lot of ban threads put up about him
[18:56:00] chat,,Hewsby,team,doesnt seem like he plays nice
[18:56:19] chat,,Thelix,team,lemon was born to be a douche, nothing more
Lemon_ shouldn't have been revenge teamwounding, but it seems he was already punished for it.
As for the original ban request...
[06:58:41] kill,Lemon_,TugBOAT,melee,Masterwork Side Sword,hb_calf_r
[06:58:43] chat,,Lemon_,team,wf
[06:58:43] chat,,TugBOAT,team,gf
[06:58:44] disconnect,Lemon_
[06:58:44] chat,,TugBOAT,team,gf
[06:58:45] chat,,TugBOAT,team,gf
[06:58:47] connect,Lemon_,,1264850,regular,77
[06:58:58] chat,,Lemon_,team,I AM THE NIGHT
[06:59:14] chat,,TugBOAT,team,what the fuck
[06:59:19] chat,,TugBOAT,team,Im putting up a ban thread
[06:59:21] chat,,Lemon_,team,lol
[06:59:22] chat,,Lemon_,team,tug
[06:59:27] chat,,Lemon_,team,theres 9 players online
[06:59:29] chat,,TugBOAT,team,I'm serious cheating isn't cool
[06:59:31] chat,,Lemon_,team,who cares?
[06:59:32] chat,,TugBOAT,team,doesnt matter
[06:59:33] chat,,TugBOAT,team,I care
[06:59:34] chat,,Lemon_,team,Fine i'll go spec
[06:59:36] death,Lemon_
[06:59:38] chat,,TugBOAT,team,too late man
[06:59:40] chat,,Snuffers,all,gj gj
[06:59:43] chat,,TugBOAT,team,you al ready black barred me with your cheating
[06:59:43] chat,,TugBOAT,team,sorry
[06:59:53] chat,,Lemon_,team,Wow tugboat is really gonna be such a loser
[06:59:54] chat,,Lemon_,team,lol
[07:01:26] chat,,TugBOAT,team,Lemon relog after getting killed and then came back and black barred me
[07:01:41] chat,,Lemon_,team,No way I black barred you with a bump
[07:01:44] chat,,Lemon_,team,from a courser
[07:01:49] chat,,Heganor,team,people so humorless these days...
[07:01:51] chat,,Lemon_,team,^
[07:02:42] chat,,Lemon_,team,wow
[07:02:46] chat,,Lemon_,team,he lied on the ban thread
[07:02:53] chat,,Lemon_,team,He said I came back to fight
[07:03:02] chat,,Lemon_,team,I came back to say a funny line
[07:03:05] chat,,Lemon_,team,he also has no SS
[07:03:11] chat,,Lemon_,team,can anyone come and support me?
[07:03:16] chat,,Lemon_,team,I'm muted
[07:04:00] chat,,Lemon_,team,I came back
[07:04:01] chat,,Lemon_,team,said
[07:04:02] chat,,Lemon_,team,gf
[07:04:05] chat,,Lemon_,team,and bumped him
[07:04:08] chat,,Lemon_,team,then went spec
[07:04:18] chat,,Lemon_,team,He has no proof anyway
I guess it did actually happen. Do not spawn twice during the same round.
24 hour ban to Lemon_ for exploiting.
24 hour ban to Thelix for teamwounding, teamkilling and intent to grief.