1. Name of your character involved - Anuran
2. Name of offending character(s) - Goldberg_Shekelstein, Goyim, Gazzeh
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible - before 11:20-11:35 and probably later (GMT +1) / EU7
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after. - I was playing on a full DTV server and I noticed chaos in the chat. There were lots of kickpolls, report messages and teamkills. That was like 11:00 already maybe. I didn't care at all but as I saw that they just didn't stop anymore I started taking screenshots of what they have done all the time. In my view they were just trolling and annoying people making them rage and teamkill them. Later they seemed to have roleplayed in an annoying and strange way and they also indirectly involved other people sometimes. When I left they were still on the server...
5. Why you think the offender did what he did. - They probably just wanted to troll on the server in a vast extent. They were neither killing any bots at all, nor being near the front to await bots...
6. Multiple Screenshots
Banners:Blue Star: Goldberg_Shekelstein
White Tiger on brown background: Goyim
White Bird on green background: Gazzeh
1. I think you can see the allusion
3. Swinging Barmace on an uninvolved guy
4. Nudging an archer on the ground
5. Teamhitting each other
6. Teamhitting each other
7. Teamhitting each other
8. Look at the guy with the red arrow
9. He killed him
10. Addition:
11. I forgot to mark "peniscount" on this one
12. Here they start "roleplaying" in the corner of the map
13. Teamhitting
15. Gazzeh knocked down, and an uninvolved guy trapped (as far as I remember he was kicked in the corner)
16. Addition
17. Goyim's stats after 2 rounds of enemies
18. Goldberg_Shekelstein at the front swinging his barmace, the red circle is the banner of Gazzeh (sorry for the saving spam
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened. - At least the players in the table in screenshot 17. I can remember Eques_Asura as the commander, who is not in the table.
Please notice that I don't want Gazzeh to be banned as long as the other two because he did not do so many things.