Author Topic: To the Nobles of Strategus  (Read 3468 times)

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Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2014, 05:18:10 pm »
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« Reply #16 on: October 18, 2014, 05:39:27 pm »
Honestly, I think some of the things that need to be fixed have nothing to do with clans at all.  They have to do with the mechanics. 

Issue:  Rosters
Possible Fix:  Battle and Siege servers go offline five minutes before a strat battle for strat preparations.  If one side fills their roster, and the others do not, the players are funnelled onto the other team's roster until it's full.  Downside, yes, 'bad' players may be put on the unfilled roster, but in all honesty, the merc advantage of the other side would likely overpower the unfilled roster anyway.  In close rostered battles, this becomes an issue...  But when it's 30 vs 10, the other side needs the people.

Many people do not fight in Strat battles because they dislike them.
many people are not being accepted into Strat battles because they are wankers.
I personally do not want to have someone who is either the worst player ever, a complete dingbat or someone who does not even wanna play in my team.
I would rather be outnumbered.
Cause people from these 3 categories will harm your team more than benefit it.

Issue:  Crime
Possible fix:  Either reduce the rate in which troops are lost, or install a different kind of fix.  For example, troops lost to crime increase the population.  If the population goes over 'x' percentage in comparison to the garrison, there's an AI revolt.  Either it's an actual battle, or the fief simply 'turns.'  Silver drops to 0.  Original strat equipment is in place, yada yada wolf wolf.

Just remove economically created crime, and make crime rise when there are more than X troops in the fief.

Issue:  Alliances
You can complain all you want about alliances, but in all honesty, nothing will change.  If you have 100 little factions, there's nothing stopping them from 'blocking' together. 

Issue:  Faction size  (Anti Annexation Proposal Explained)
Possible Fix:  Don't allow people from different factions to join other factions while maintaining their original banner.  IE an Astralis member joins the Squids in Strat, but stays in Astralis (Yes, it happened).  This would stop a lot, but in all honesty, if someone wants to be in one mega faction, they'll end up there somehow. 
Possible Fix:  Limited Ladder Sizes.  Yes, make people make decisions on who is in their faction rather than allowing anyone and everyone.  How many times have we heard Kesh say '8 man faction..'  and heard other people (myself included) say that ladder size doesn't denote activity. 

Why tell people who to play with? If I was forced to join Faction A, or not join a faction at all, I would not even bother playing Strat.
You gotta make Strat interesting, not put even more restrictions in.

Issue:  Economy

Well simple, make gear cheaper again.

Issue:  Themed armies
Honestly, there's no way to limit the gear someone uses.  When the winning army leaves the field, they have looted gear.  There's no way to stop them from using it.  And in all honesty, they shouldn't have to.  ;-)   Since gear degrades, I'm all for keeping armies in play rather than having them fight twice, and have to go back into trade mode to re equip themselves.

Dunno why this should be up for discussion anyway.

Just some thoughts.
For all the non-believers, look no further than this thread for proof that while strat battles are won/lost in NA3/EU3, strat wars are won and lost on the forums.
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Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2014, 06:13:43 pm »
The reason I never went on Strat battles before this round was because I'm so crappy.  I felt guilty that I was getting killed so much and getting so few kills.  So I stopped applying.

Now I have my own armies, so I don't feel as bad for wasting other people's ticks when I quite happily waste my own.  Plus having lots of bad players is better than not having enough to defend your flags or to kill enough enemy ticks when attacking.  Better having a guy get killed 50 times than losing all your ticks due to timer running out.

The reason there are two factions is because people want guaranteed roster support.  I've been trying to sign up for whichever side has the least mercs, and that pretty much has been the Squid side everytime.  Fortunately the ASA guys don't care, because they know I'm trying to keep strat fun, but mainly cuz I don't make much of a difference.

Personally I think too many people have personal grudges from previous strats, plus the desire to win at any cost.  People say they want even battles, but they really don't.  They want to capture all the gear and not lose ticks, and they get quite angry when they lose a huge, expensive army due to bad roster support.  Which is understandable.

I think Strat battles should be put on NA1, and you should be able to earn gold.  Then people would have to play.  Of course Admins would have to be on battles to boot any trollers.  Also, if you lose a battle due to timers or getting your flag captured, you should be able to keep at least 50% of your surviving men and gear, and not teleport.  This all or nothing bullshit has got to end.

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Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2014, 10:09:16 pm »
Strat 6 would be awesome if they just tweaked the mechanics of Strat 2 to be more accommodating to the current player base.

All items start at +0 and can be upgraded from there.
Troop recruitment could stay the same.
Item costs are reduced.
Crime is either removed or changed.

Keep it simple, don't add too many crazy changes or you'll just scare away even more people.
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Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2014, 01:29:05 am »
Well I think roll back to strat4 rules would be a massive improvement.


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Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2014, 01:34:06 am »
Crime is pretty sweet, I've been able to capitalize on it plenty of time, as it penalizes mismanagement.

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Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2014, 01:53:50 am »
How about a secret evil jew cabal that has incredibly damaging blackmail material that would get people permabanned from cRPG or embarrassing real life information that would get them beat up at their junior high.

If anyone does anything but melodramatic, hate-filled primetime good gear 1k vs 1k minimum battles, their cRPG/real lives will be ruined by the cabal.

I would start with the OP but they seem to have freely posted all of their blackmail material on the forums already..
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Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2014, 02:33:37 am »
How about a secret evil jew cabal that has incredibly damaging blackmail material that would get people permabanned from cRPG or embarrassing real life information that would get them beat up at their junior high.

If anyone does anything but melodramatic, hate-filled primetime good gear 1k vs 1k minimum battles, their cRPG/real lives will be ruined by the cabal.

I would start with the OP but they seem to have freely posted all of their blackmail material on the forums already..

haha look at this guy who doesnt have access to the crpg wikileaks blackmail dropbox
« Last Edit: October 19, 2014, 05:39:28 pm by WITCHCRAFT »
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irl something shorted on the shuttle and laika overheated and died within a few hours of liftoff and for a brief while one could look up to the stars and see a light shooting across the sky that was actually a warm dog corpse slingshoting about the earth at thousands of miles per hour which was arguably humanity's greatest achievement so far

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Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2014, 04:21:37 am »
You're fucking stupid.

Holiday, haven't seen you put in anything better. 

The reason I never went on Strat battles before this round was because I'm so crappy.  I felt guilty that I was getting killed so much and getting so few kills.  So I stopped applying.

Now I have my own armies, so I don't feel as bad for wasting other people's ticks when I quite happily waste my own.  Plus having lots of bad players is better than not having enough to defend your flags or to kill enough enemy ticks when attacking.  Better having a guy get killed 50 times than losing all your ticks due to timer running out.

The reason there are two factions is because people want guaranteed roster support.  I've been trying to sign up for whichever side has the least mercs, and that pretty much has been the Squid side everytime.  Fortunately the ASA guys don't care, because they know I'm trying to keep strat fun, but mainly cuz I don't make much of a difference.

Personally I think too many people have personal grudges from previous strats, plus the desire to win at any cost.  People say they want even battles, but they really don't.  They want to capture all the gear and not lose ticks, and they get quite angry when they lose a huge, expensive army due to bad roster support.  Which is understandable.

I think Strat battles should be put on NA1, and you should be able to earn gold.  Then people would have to play.  Of course Admins would have to be on battles to boot any trollers.  Also, if you lose a battle due to timers or getting your flag captured, you should be able to keep at least 50% of your surviving men and gear, and not teleport.  This all or nothing bullshit has got to end.

Well said Bryggan.  The number one complaint you hear from those who put armies together is that they didn't have the roster to USE those armies.  Troops and gear have mattered in the past, but now a 100 man army actually stands a chance at taking out a 1000 man army.  Not because of strategy, or skill...  simply because the other army couldn't get a roster.  It's sad.  And with rosters in their current state, ie high risk, it keeps people from taking chances, and makes them care bear more. 

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Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2014, 05:37:53 am »
 8-) If someone want to get married. My village New Peshmi sell +3 Crown of Flowers,+3Bride Dress,+3Bride Shoes and Smoke Bomb. It's always opened for everyone include opposite faction.


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Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2014, 08:13:32 pm »
8-) If someone want to get married. My village New Peshmi sell +3 Crown of Flowers,+3Bride Dress,+3Bride Shoes and Smoke Bomb. It's always opened for everyone include opposite faction.

how much discount %
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irl something shorted on the shuttle and laika overheated and died within a few hours of liftoff and for a brief while one could look up to the stars and see a light shooting across the sky that was actually a warm dog corpse slingshoting about the earth at thousands of miles per hour which was arguably humanity's greatest achievement so far

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Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« Reply #26 on: October 22, 2014, 01:08:43 am »
If this happens, I offer my services as chair of this meeting. I am a certified parliamentarian, have chaired many political committees in my life, and thus am very well qualified to divvy out time/maintain an appropriate level of decorum/see to it that the meeting goes smoothly and productively. I also promise to use my advantageous knowledge of parliamentary procedure to ensure that all proposals guarantee my overwhelming victory in strat 6 and that I am declared God-Emperor of Calradia. PM me if you so desire.

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Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« Reply #27 on: October 22, 2014, 04:42:36 am »
If this happens, I offer my services as chair of this meeting. I am a certified parliamentarian, have chaired many political committees in my life, and thus am very well qualified to divvy out time/maintain an appropriate level of decorum/see to it that the meeting goes smoothly and productively. I also promise to use my advantageous knowledge of parliamentary procedure to ensure that all proposals guarantee my overwhelming victory in strat 6 and that I am declared God-Emperor of Calradia. PM me if you so desire.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 05:12:20 am by traxits »
Dear traxits
You have received a warning for being a total twat.
Best Regards,
The cRPG Forum Team
Today at 04:50:44 pm   Constant Shitposting   +100

Offline Farrix

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Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« Reply #28 on: October 22, 2014, 07:31:15 pm »

This chair shall not be swayed by personal flattery! As punishment, I sentence you to 5 minutes in the woods with dick Cheney. You will have two tools at your disposal for survival. First is a sign that says, "I am not a bird." If that doesn't save you, you'll have a picture of a gay couple kissing. His confusion may save you. Good luck sir.