Add item: Weight belts.
6 versions:
Model: NONE
Weight: 40(Massive) 20(Huge) 10(Large) 5(Medium) 3(Small) 1(Tiny)
Gold value: 100(?)
Slot usage: 0(maybe 1?)
Equipment slot:(weapon slot? or maybe hand slot if that won't work)
These weight belts are there for broke tincans so that they don't mess up their play style by playing in too light gear when farming some gold.
Reasoning: I usually play in my heaviest(expesive) armour early mornings... some times I ruin my economy from being tired(too tired to sleep, so I have to play cRPG) and end up having to go peasant armoured to repair it all...
This has some addictive "benefits"... all of sudden I can move again with about 30kg less equipment... and run about like a drunk freak that had too much coffee. I don't like this, it messes up the long grind of imprinting my chars level of mobility in to my bones.
Please add weight belts so that broke tincans can farm gold with the same equipped weight as their full default gear.
Secondary benefits are that people can experiment with what weight they want to have equipped in serious strat or battle servers with two or more competitive clans online.