NOTE: I am entirely certain that they were simply fucking around because they are all friends, but I am tired of people coming to siege to fuck off. Furthermore having such well know and otherwise respectable members of the community do this without consequence sends a message that general fuckery is okay.
I agree. In my opinion, it's okay to dick around, but the moment one person complains about it (so long as it's against the rules), their word is what weighs heavier.
Looks like this happened at the end and then beginning of the round, and must have gone on for awhile if Olafie was able to make it to -79.
I'm going to wait the hour for logs and see if there were any previous teamkills to this on their part.
While it was just friends hitting each other, it's hurting the siege server. And NA2 is already low-pop enough.
If any of the MB guys want to step in and say something, I've probably got another 30-45 minutes before the logs update.
Edit:Alright, long enough.
I went through the logs and it's a headache to figure out what is going on and where, but the two things I do know is Olafie was at -79 after the first obvious TK 2 minutes prior, and there were a few TW reports going back to Olafie and Aldo. Kemosabe also had a TK.
I feel safe in assuming this was going on for awhile as the three of them are neatly grouped
way at the bottom of the scoreboard.
The scoreboard screenshot was from 2 minutes after the shot of them hitting each other at spawn.
Weetakin, the other guy in the screenshot... can't figure out what he was doing from the logs.
So, Olafie, you were banned 5 months ago for leeching, and that's long enough ago that it's irrelevant in my mind, but your score
is condemning.
Kemosabe, your last one was a year ago. You were a part of this situation though.
Aldo, your last was 3 months ago and the reason was "other". Looks like you were unbanned early by Ganner as well.
Again, I realize you all were just dicking around, but I'm obligated to do something here. Sparvico's last point is really spot on. The friendly fuckery in-game has been getting a bit out of control.
Olafie- 24hrs.
Kemosabe and Aldo, I can't tell just to what extent you were a part of this, but score is at least somewhat of an indicator, so, you'll each have 12 hours.