I believe this is the proper format for a ban request.
1. Name of your character involved:
John II of Acre2. Name of offending character(s):
Templar_Rengar3. Time and server, as accurately as possible:
NA Defend the Virgin at around 12:10pm EST4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after. :
Playing in DTV when
one of our teammates is tked far from the fight by rengar... Suspicious he starts running at me
teamwounds me and I run away.
He teamwounds another teammate. He comes and
teamwounds me twice. He then
teamkills another teammate. Upon respawning after he caused us to lose
he teamhit me twice. Then i was able to report him enough times to kick him.
After I said to the guys in server I would list them as witnesses and posted here.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.:
He said in the server after doing it "I am troll " I think that is explanation enough.
6. Multiple Screenshots:
7. Names of players that can witness what happened.: RD_Dupre, Sir_Chodelot, Hanxin