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Im not kid and im boring this magic mode. Because this game full of illogical.This mode (Realistic Mode) for only proffesionals, everyone have real powers. No crying babies.Warning! If u are "nerf crier" or a little kid pls dont read this. This suggestion for real warriors, go and play C R y P ink G ame.For every calss:- Crouch need.- Creeping need for sneak attacks.- Remove slot system.- Light armored guys must swim on water.- Arrow block must enable with sword swing, but its must be hard like chamber.- Breakable weapons while using, we can use this weapons after repair. ("Oh i lose my arrowbag where i drop it?")Archery: - I cant shot a shielder, this shields have super power electro magnets. This is not realistic. Shielders can select head, body or foot protection while arrow in coming.- Arrows are max 15gr one in *RW but we use 500gr one. How can fly this arrows?- Fire shot mode need.- Jumpshot must enabled.- Arrow speed need increase.Melee:- Melee guys need special fight moves, they need more than punch. One movement and kill...- Melee guys must eveade arrows with gymnastic movements. Cry is not a method.- They can have fast run for 2-3 second for fast attack. This option good for oposite archers for melee.- Melee warriors need rope weapon. This weapon will drop rider on horse but dont to do damage.Shield:- Back shileds not work, its not realistic but its magnethic its most unralistic.- Shiled impact need.- They can throw their shields for one time and this is make deadly effect.Cavalry:- Remove lance lookable area limits.- Remove damage nerfs, they must be strongest warriors like realworld.- Increase horse bump damage.- Increase horse speed.Thrower:- Increase throwing weapon number in the bag.- Enable jumpshot.- Roped migthystar need, this weapon will drop player on creeping mode and makes undefended.Crossbow:- Automatic multi shot mode needed. This option reduce accuracy but archer can shot 4-5 arrow one time.Tincan:- Tincan armor must increase but reduce need their speeds after this buff.- They are swing too fast and its not normal, they must swing slow but auto block must enable for only tincans after this nerf.- Tincan move sound need, they are like ninja its too slient.THIS SUGGESTIONS MAKE ADRENALIN EFFECT ON CRPG, now crpg too pink and this is not exciting. More realisim = more adrenalin = more fun = no crying babies = hard guys.I will add more idea, check this suggestion.LISTEN YOUR SOUND OF LOGIC! THIS GAME NOT FUNNY WITHOUT THIS OPTIONS.*RW: Real WorldSorry for Eng.
Im not kid and im boring this magic mode. Because this game full of illogical.THIS SUGGESTIONS MAKE ADRENALIN EFFECT ON CRPG, now crpg too pink and this is not exciting. More realisim = more adrenalin = more fun = no crying babies = hard guys.
We have hard guys alright...Anyways. OttomanSniper best english 2013.
Sorry for Eng.