Author Topic: Ilhan, the confused.  (Read 502 times)

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Offline BlindGuy

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Ilhan, the confused.
« on: July 12, 2013, 04:59:02 pm »
Sooooo, playing on eu2, this dude infront of me gets shot in the foot from behind while we stand at the very start of the round near a wall breech. I assume he was teamshot, so he turns around and beats the shit outa me. I managed to spam every button near printscreen enough to get these 3 screenshots during the action. I am the one behind the shield, you can see the arrow in the dudes foot. I am playing with a shield and a spear, so I aint got no bow. Or powerdraw. Wasnt me who shot him. The final screenie is after he was content that vengeance had been done for him being teamshot, and I thank him for the screenshots. Please can he be slapped on wrist, thanks.

EDIT: looking at the screenshot, I can see MAYBE why he thought I had fucked with him: you can see I yelled "arrows incoming", musta coincided with his being shot, I guess he assumed I was in on the joke or some shit. Anyway. Nothing to do with me. Didn't even see who shot him.

2nd Edit, am looking thru the 8 or so screenshots I got for the best ones, cause he's a good looking dude and deserves a nice pic.  As you can see from the way ppl run past in the ss and then are gone, he was beating on my shield for quite some time. Also, the damage to my shield, its a MP elite cav, with 6 shieldskill, so it doesnt start to fall apart for a while. Dunno if the team damage modifier is applied before or after shield.

3rd Edit: The game time clock also: he started probs 3 seconds before I could get my sausage fingers to printscreen, and the pic as he runs off is almost 20 seconds afterwards: thats like....15 hits at least, the douche.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 05:11:03 pm by BlindGuy »
I don't know enough

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Offline Erzengel

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Re: Ilhan, the confused.
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2013, 07:58:12 pm »
Ilhan banned for one day for teamwounding.