heres this guy sdjklnf. Bumped me twice in the past couple hours, right out of spawn. I politely ask him to stop, and he replies by telling me i'm in his way.
Here is a brief description of the history between sdjklnf, and myself. When he was a new player, i was nice to him, despite the fact that I despise HX and HA and really any class that runs and kites(we all know form my previous threads).
I mean this kids used to S my D so hard in text chat... really the only reason i was so nice to him for so long, considering i didn't really know him from a hole in the wall, and disliked his playstyle. Well when i heard he was a lvl 35 HX, i couldn't help myself any longer. I told him he was scum for playing such a lame class for such an extended period of time. I guess he really took it to heart, and feels the need to troll me childishly. I don't really care if he gets banned, ultimately i'd just like him to stop being such an asshole. I honestly hate to force you admins to look into this sort of thing, but this kids bumps are really hindering my playtime (my recent obsession has only 6 str, and 0 IF, his bumps do about 1/3 my hp).
Maybe the fact that i don't care to associate with this kid, hurts his feelings. Maybe it hurts his feelings enough to make him go into an internet NA 1 rampage, harming and injuring poor jackmerius. With the upcoming season, and the collegiate bowl approaching, this team cant afford to be down a skilled player, due to a torn acl, a broken ankle, or a hoof bludgeoned head.
I'd ask the admin to look into the logs, happened at approximately 11:59 PM eastern.
Thanks again