Concerning Couch Lances and Regular lances.
I did a quick test. Against ~60 Body Armor and 20 Strength, 6 Ironflesh(roughly, we used two different people, but it comes out to about right here)
A Great Lance(47p) would 1 hit anyone from a Champ Rouncey and Up, while it wouldn't from a plated charger. So speed bonus matters, and unfortunately, for a Great Lance or a Jousting lance, Speed is very important over a regular thrusting lance. This was a general test for effectiveness, and was the same for a head hit or body hit.
Then I used a champ rouncey and a lance(28p). Against the same heavy armor and Ironflesh of the champ rouncy GL test. The Lance did ~80% if hit in the head against heavy armor, and ~70% for a body shot. Then he switched to Heraldic Mail w/Tabard and 2 ironflesh(A medium armor getup), and with the same Lance and Champ rouncy, it was a 1 hit for a head shot and 80% for a body shot.
Recommend relook at balance between thrusting lances and couch only lances.
Lower Overall couch down slightly(to like .4 instead of .45) and buff couch only damage.
Right now, the lance can do, more or less the same as a great lance, but retains the ability to thrust.