Excuse me sir but I believe the Defend the Stairs clan is in violation of the Equal Voice Command Act passed in December of 2012 which states that any person or entity that believes they are entitled to sole rights to a voice command MUST first file a petition and have it voted on and approved by the majority of players (51%). Failure to do so and claiming a voice command as your own is punishable by permanent muting. Furthermore, demanding compensation directly from the offender without first having the proper paperwork to back up their claim is an offense that can be penalized by confiscation of all gold, gear, and looms from the clan/s armoury and a fine of 50,000 crpg gold to be paid by each member of the clan. Lastly, as commissioner of the Equal Rights For Voice Commands Among CRPG Players and Factions or ERFVCACRPGPF for short (pronounced erf-vikas-urp-guh-puf) I am filing a suit against you for the illegal solicitation of funds from a sanctioned voice command user(me). Good day and I will see you in court.
We are probing new territory here. cRPG litigation--traditionally--has been focused upon a single point of jurisprudence: enraged utterance of the phrase, "BAN HE." What I am suggesting here is a new page in cRPG legal theory, whereby full justice and credit is given to owners of intellectual property.
Intellectual Property Rights (henceforth "IPR") are a cornerstone of innovation and progress. Without the assurance of sole rights to one's creation, there is little incentive to create something new. This is not merely a case of "some guy trying to get rich by using ambulance-chasing-lawyer tactics to extort money from people." It is much more; it is a case that strikes the very soul of cRPG.
If we do not defend IPR in cRPG, then all is lost. Clans have no meaning (how could they, when they have no title to their own name) and strategus will be reduced to an orgiastic frenzy of teamkilling and rampant stairs abuse.
The case is clear; Clan Defend The Stairs simply
must be given legal rights to their name, and be paid a 1k gold licensing fee for the use of their name.
Anyone who disagrees with me is a dirty communist who worships at the jackbooted shrine of tyranny, and wishes to turn the world back to a time when buildings could only be one storey tall for a lack of properly defended stairs.