That is awesome. I tend to think that people who don't live near that coast don't actually understand from simply watching the footage just how dangerous that wave is from the video. If you can't hold your breath for at least 90-120 seconds and aren't an expert swimmer and have years of experience with smaller waves, don't even try to get near that thing, even on a jet ski, especially on a jet ski. Even a surfboard is deadly when you get tossed under and the wave picks up that board and slams it into your head. Even if you don't get hit by something, that wave can pin you to the bottom if you get tossed by it, and then when you come back up for air, you either get slammed again by the next wave for another 60-90 seconds or you get sucked down by by the whirlpool effect/riptide effect you can see in the video there.
Truly epic conditions there.