I just hate the extreme"right" (in france , that's a left/right system with communists at the left , and "n-azis"at the extreme right), because they jut exploit economical problems for take the power , and then , make a tyranny. I respect your choice, Panos, but maybe in Greece , some politicians aren't all corrupted, and still have some valours which are the liberty, and the equality for all . That's why I'm a "socialist/coco", I dislike politicians because they are corrupted as fuck, but I hope , one day , there would be a real revolution without those fuckers at wall street and the City. They like so much ruin countries and people, even if they have a great history (Spain , Greece, ...). So, we should ... make an european spring, for kick those corrupted people and make a REAL democracy, without the power of banks and money.