Yeah canary was singularly unhelpful in this department. if we capped flags like "mrshine thought was a smart idea" every single person would be spawning in unreachable zone,
Exactly, and if you did this earlier in the battle all the defenders would have all been spawning in the 'unreachable' location with a lot more time to spare, making it more clear that the only reason the defenders were still in the battle was because the spawn prevented people from getting out & in. I'm saying the waters would have been less muddied, which would have made an admin decision much easier.
If we had done mr shine's brilliant strategy we would have had 800 or more tickets left to fight because defenders died a LOT slower spawning in unreachable zone.
The problem is you were trying to have your cake and eat it too. You tried to make a contingency (kill all defenders by spawncamping within the timelimit), but at the same time you expected admins to rule the fight in your favor if your contingency didn't work. Both plans worked against each-other & made things more confusing.
With no strong or clear admin decision-maker willing to actually do their job we had no choice but to do our best to kill all the population since that was the only other way to take it without losing an entire shiny 1900 man army to a bug head admin was afraid to make a decision on despite no doubt who had won.
It's funny you say that, because the easiest thing we could have done is said "sorry, strat bug. submit a bug report". Technically defenders still had a flag up, and time expired. Technically defenders were still fighting on other flags, and some were able to get out and continue the fight. If you want to get technical about it, you could argue that admins
shouldn't be making rulings on bugs like this, because it's really up to the developers to fix bugs & weigh in on these sorts of things.
Anyways, you got your way in the end. Hospitallers ceded the fight (which was IMO a very good thing of them to do), and admins forced defenders to leave the battle. The end result is you have the city, and no defenders survived. Yes, it took admins longer than you wanted to make a ruling in the bug-riddled abortion of a battle, boo hoo.
And matey called it in the battle - they finally submitted the ichamur fix as soon as we took it.
You should view this as a positive thing - a big battle brought a bug front and center, and someone spent time to fix the bug. Now, when the fix will actually get patched is another issue entirely, but at least now we have precedence for how to handle this sort of situation in the future.
Anyway, by continuing to post in this thread, MrShine continually digs his viewpoint into the anti-FCC camp. It's obvious that he is no longer able to make a neutral decision based on facts at this point, and its questionable if he was ever able to in the first place.
I'm posting in this thread because the situation sucked for everyone & I was there. A decision was made that benefited FCC but they/you still aren't happy about it, and that annoys me. I think it was good of Hospitaller to give the city up, and I hope that will be a good example for the rest of strat, where new bugs (and there WILL be new bugs) are handled reasonably between opposing factions.
..I don't see how that should discredit my decision making, but I'm sorry if you feel that way. Regarding an 'anti-FCC bias', just ask any other Astralis member how active I am in strat
![Laughing :lol:](
it's hard to develop a bias against a faction in strat when you hardly play.