We love you too man.
My favourite thing was Tyr's response to the offers that Harpag sent to Rogue... The offers were something like:
1 Join forces and wipe Mercs.
2 Greys give up all fiefs, gear and troops on the condition that the Coalition would subsequently invade and attempt to wipe Mercs.
Tyr just said, ' You know guys, I have a sneaking suspicion that the Greys might be mad...'
But seriously, I lost track of why UIF and Mercs hate each other so much, arent we a little beyond caring at this point? I even quite like alot of UIF members. Hetman, Nebun, Vovka, Crooked Hands and quite a few others actually converse with me without threatening to wipe me off the map in a game mode that I really dont care about. Honestly, if I were still a leader I would march all troops to the center of the map and hold a massive series of themed battles until we had no troops left to spend.
Why the hate?