Travelling through the step in small numbers is known to be dangerous. Even in large numbers you can easily get swarmed...
But the people of the steppe have yet to see what atrocity's roam the land. An army of brigands, if not rebels, stalk the grassland. At the head of the army stands the man known only by Chingis, and behind him stands an army, a swarm of hornets ready to sting.
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loginChingis himself...visitors can't see pics , please
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loginAfter a hard chase (and several thousand denars later) I had finally made it to the nearest city, and situated myself safely inside it's walls.
The armies I had seen were hardly bandits. These were rebels, and their presence in the steppe either meant a revolt...or a revolution. Sanjar Khan had a new pretender practically on his doorstep, and as long as he allowed this to happen the longer the terror would ensue within the inner steppe.
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But really wtf
I've spent a lot of time in Brytenwalda...I've had my city attacked thousands of times by 2000 man armies just over religious disputes. I've dealt with large numbers of bandits grouped together, and even previously in Floris mod (I'm using: Floris Expanded Mod Pack 2.54,) but never have I ever come up on a force of bandits which exceeded 500 troops. There were more here but they were out of sight by the time I took the pictures. Even so, there are 700-800 troops here, with over 1000 prisoners. I paid about 1000 denars to every party, leaving me broke.
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loginSucked dick -.-The steppe was a bitch to go through before, now I'm keeping my ass clear of it...
for now.