Author Topic: No need to hide you are a massive clan Hospitallers - use your clan banner  (Read 723 times)

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Offline Keshian

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So many guys in your area not using the strategus clan banner - Hospitaller_Huseby with 998 troops, Hospitaller_Thugicus with 224 troops, Hospitaller_Paul_Bunyan with 100 troops, just off the top of my head outside a fief.  You have been adding roughly 700-800 troops on average a day to your fiefs with your garrisons total at 31, 248 at the current moment.  Your recruitment of troop rate is higher than both fimbrulvetyr and us combined.  No need to hide you have been actively recruiting new members to the point you are the 2nd largest faction in terms of active members after ve, just now pushing past occitan. 

Just carry the banner.  You are not fooling anyone that you count on winning and succeeding by superior goon tactics - sheer massive numbers over tactics.  We know we can only beat you if we do a better than 2:1 k/d (we come close but not quite).  No one thinks of you as an underdog no matter how much aztec cries about how difficult it is to be in a faction with  only slightly under 100 people, all people have to do is look at your fief garrisons.

Your main diplomat (Huseby) does not need to pretend he is not in your faction.  He is a hospitaller and has the tag.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo

Offline Commodore_Axephante

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...Hospitaller_Huseby with 998 troops, Hospitaller_Thugicus with 224 troops, Hospitaller_Paul_Bunyan with 100 troops, just off the top of my head...

You have three players names and exact troop counts available for recall off the top of you're head? Damn, you're a good study.

But no, he's right. Pretty silly if you horse-lovers are deliberately hiding your size.

...unless it's genius...

Offline Krosis

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So many guys in your area not using the strategus clan banner - Hospitaller_Huseby with 998 troops, Hospitaller_Thugicus with 224 troops, Hospitaller_Paul_Bunyan with 100 troops, just off the top of my head outside a fief.  You have been adding roughly 700-800 troops on average a day to your fiefs with your garrisons total at 31, 248 at the current moment.  Your recruitment of troop rate is higher than both fimbrulvetyr and us combined.  No need to hide you have been actively recruiting new members to the point you are the 2nd largest faction in terms of active members after ve, just now pushing past occitan. 

Just carry the banner.  You are not fooling anyone that you count on winning and succeeding by superior goon tactics - sheer massive numbers over tactics.  We know we can only beat you if we do a better than 2:1 k/d (we come close but not quite).  No one thinks of you as an underdog no matter how much aztec cries about how difficult it is to be in a faction with  only slightly under 100 people, all people have to do is look at your fief garrisons.

Your main diplomat (Huseby) does not need to pretend he is not in your faction.  He is a hospitaller and has the tag.

Thugicus and Paul are inactive.. it's until recently that Thug began to play, regardless he was never active in strat.. Idk huseby's situation, but one hospitaller without faction color doesn't need a thread. IMO.

Offline Goretooth

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So many guys in your area not using the strategus clan banner - Hospitaller_Huseby with 998 troops, Hospitaller_Thugicus with 224 troops, Hospitaller_Paul_Bunyan with 100 troops, just off the top of my head outside a fief.  You have been adding roughly 700-800 troops on average a day to your fiefs with your garrisons total at 31, 248 at the current moment.  Your recruitment of troop rate is higher than both fimbrulvetyr and us combined.  No need to hide you have been actively recruiting new members to the point you are the 2nd largest faction in terms of active members after ve, just now pushing past occitan. 

Just carry the banner.  You are not fooling anyone that you count on winning and succeeding by superior goon tactics - sheer massive numbers over tactics.  We know we can only beat you if we do a better than 2:1 k/d (we come close but not quite).  No one thinks of you as an underdog no matter how much aztec cries about how difficult it is to be in a faction with  only slightly under 100 people, all people have to do is look at your fief garrisons.

Your main diplomat (Huseby) does not need to pretend he is not in your faction.  He is a hospitaller and has the tag.
Think it is time to unplug from the game for someone lol.
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Braeden - Clanless maybe? or Free Peasant not sure - Rarely plays, plus might be retarded
Tydeus - Nord EU Scum - Hates adminning

Offline Tanken

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The amount of tab-keeping done by some *ahem* is something that should be marveled at by young nerdlings looking for a role-model.

Take notes guys.
Below is a Collection of Finalists in my Design my Avatar contest -- They all did Awesome!
Thanks to all of those who contributed.

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Offline Keshian

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Huseby rejoined hospitallers - thank you.  Locking thread.

Also i was in the middle of their territory and i saw this just now.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo