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loginWe are an Empire of Mercenaries that fight for whoever pay. We raise army’s to battle your enemy’s or defend your land. We are not just one clan but a coalition of small clans grouped together for strength. Within the Kingdom of Angering there are 2 Factions currently and we are accepting others that are new to stratagems and crpg. The Main army is under Imperial command we accept all classes and builds users must be active in Stratagems and willing to occasionally be active in TS. The Empires base of operation is currently in the North West (EU) at the town of Slezkh and has recently joined the Wolves and the others in the Cold Front Alliance.
The second army of the Empire is under the command of Order Morr and his second Kronos whose army consists of Battle Clerics wielding Shields and mace (or other one handers) (Only Accepts heavily armed shielders as well as Polearm users) One who hires the Orders soldiers will have fanatics fighting amongst them in battle who do not give up their faith and fight till the end.
The 3rd army Perhaps you? If you are interested in having a small clan join with us contact we on the TS info below, you must have at least 3 members in your clan to be considered part of the empire. Once we have enough small clans we will merge banners into one.
Team Speak Information: Alternative TS:
Angevin Empire as a collective does not have one main leader. Angevin Emperor Valdian is currently the Head of the Empire and if you are looking for soldiers or mercenary’s for your battles contact him. For the other clans they each have their own ranking structure and are independent on what they do as long as it does not interfere with the Empires plans. As separate mercenary company’s we are allowing multiple army’s that may be hired out by various groups and will attack each other if the armies are hired out and paid for already by other clans/Empires/Factions.
Angevin Empire Ranking system Angevin_Emperor_Valdian
Angevin_Moksovisk Angevin_Henri(Inactive)
Angevin Order Your clan perhaps? Angevin_Order_Morr(2nd in command) We work as a council so any clan that wishs to join us your ranks remain intact.
Other Members within the clans Angevin_Chef_Aramis Angevin_Order_JayTeh
Angevin_McKnight Angevin_Prince_Joris
Angevin_Persian_Lion Angevin_Lithuianian