I have 40-50 ping which is usual for me, but for some reason the times I tried to play in the last days, it feels like Im fighting with 120.
If someone swings for me, I hear my block half a second before the attack gets near me, and if I fail to block at an insane speed, I get hit despite having my block up long before the swing nears me. Its incredibly frustrating and I really dont want to play in this state. I also get the 'walking through people' issue that is common with high ping and often I dont see my swings, sometimes I cant even see the enemies strikes. I just lose half hp and then I see the swing animation a second later.
The issue is the same on native, and my ping test showed 0% packet loss, 23 ping and a jitter of 8ms. Nothing bad in that.
It started when I tried to play this weekend, I am out of practise and havent been playing much recently, but it cannot explain the scope of the issues I am experiencing atm. I really cant see myself continuing with this game, if this problem persists.
Any suggestions? Anyone have the same?