the thing is... they are trying to hunt down and lynch whoever leaked that "not important chat" even though multiple others have leaked random shit from it too. Also, I know shik, I talk to shik, I like shik and shik is apathetic towards his role. If you actually got shik to bother to come read this and ask him "would you like someone else to be headmin of NA?" I bet his answer is yes. shik would rather be trolling. He is a good guy but a bad headmin and I doubt he would disagree.
They probably care about this incident because it was blown wildly out of context. Look how many pages of drama and garbage this whole debacle caused. It shouldn't be a big deal, but everyone made it into The Biggest Deal. Shik made a joke in poor taste inside of a "confidential" channel. It got leaked and made the situation worse than it was before.
Hey, remember that one time when Reagan almost started World War III?