You were kicked the first time for being the last player alive, naked without a weapon, running way far off along the edge of the map on NA1.
You came back in, I was told by someone in TS you still were naked without a weapon.
The next round started, went to spec you and you were still naked without a weapon.
I gave you a warning asking you to switch to spectator (mid-round) and spawn with a weapon during the next round or you would be banned for leeching.
You spawned in the next round, with a solid few minutes to equip a stick at the very least, naked without a weapon.
The whole time you were making comments about how the pink text makes you feel special, so you were very much aware of the warning I'd JUST given you.
I want to be accountable as well, so if another admin can jump in and give their say/post logs/etc, it'd be appreciated!