Ravens are allied to LCO?
A Raven family member drank a little much one night and had a little fun with an FCC member, thus forcing them into marriage.
FCC stole some radishes from TAA's garden and came back with radish pie, they decided that the eating of the delish is radish pie would seal an alliance.
Raven is allied with dracul because, well, fuck raven.
Frisia declared war on various rodents in dracul lands, extinguished them, and now they owe Frisia big time.(to the point of an alliance)
Frisian members (sandy and cikel) polished arrowaine's cane many a time and now arrowaine has fallen in love and will not allow Frisia to fight alone.
Chevalier members won a desert-wide kickball tournament while making SS, FUPA, and Australis buddies alone the way.
Aldo had a murder boner that could only be hidden if jack sat on it. (Another loving relationship)
Tkov members decided they wanted to be friends with hospitaller and joined in one group hug of loving friendship and created life long bonds with each other through campfire s'mores and catching fish out of ponds.
The hospitaller corp. decided they wanted to invest in a condom factory and employed many chaos members.
Canary was very pleased that the rodents were done stealing his birdseed and would never finish thanking Frisia for it.
And FPF has been jerking off since the start.
So basically everybody is allied to everybody. So Occitan is allied to raven. And there should be no war. Because we're all allied. Except those apple people. Fuck those guys.