Level 32 (17 784 806 xp)
Strength: 12
Agility: 21
Hit points: 55
Attributes to skills: 4
Ironflesh: 4
Power Strike: 4
Shield: 5
Athletics: 7
Riding: 7
Horse Archery: 3
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 4
Weapon Master: 7
One Handed: 100
Polearm: 80
Crossbow: 120
Throwing: 75
Red Tassel, Round Steel Buckler, Light Crossbow, Bolts, Desert horse.
or - Heavy throwing axes + HRS
or Crossbow + steelbolts + awlpike
or Lance + Elitecavshit + Elitescimmy + Courser
Or another million of variations.