Automatically move people to spectators if they don't spawn that round. Why?
Because it annoys the hell out of me when playing on a low populated server with Torben
(or someone else who is damn good, Torben just does this all the time) who plays for the first round, then goes afk. This way he twists the balance against his own team, sometimes causing it to be outnumbered by 2 or 3 (this is a lot if there are only 20 people on the server). Now I don't know how this auto-spectate should effect on multi, but in my opinon if you join a team without spawning you should lose your multi.
2. A counter that counts which team wins/loses on each map, based on spawns ( not the colors
). I don't think that there really is a problem with any maps being unbalanced, but maybe that's just because no one has ever noticed that. With this the devs could easily see, after about 1000 rounds on each map
, if any of maps is unbalanced by simply looking at the wins/losses. If any map turns out to get 80% of the win to spawn A team, something should be done to this map.
An naturally, this wouldn't work on siege because of the "curse of the first round"