You know I don't think ninja's are suppose to talk if they are roleplaying, just saying.
Some points I would like to present:
1. I was not roleplaying. However, the way I write may confuse some people to think I am roleplaying and I apologize for that. This is not my native tongue.
2. The ninja clan determines how the ninja clan roleplays.
3. The ninja clan is not based on any historic entity. It is based on a fictional faction. It gives us the leeway to roleplay however we please.
4. Never talking would make it extremely hard to communicate with anyone not adequate in sign language and too time consuming if in written form.
5. I really fail to see the point of your post.If the cRPG devs would grant us superhuman ninja powers, I would gladly switch the direction of the clan roleplay, but due to gameplay restrictions we are forced to roleplay a form of battlefield skirmishers and not stealthy assassins.
I do wish however, that you and your friends could remain relatively friendly, and not constantly going for personal attacks on random members of the shogunate. I personally have no beef with any of you. Well, none that I know of. After this war is over, regardless of how it ends, I won't have any actual feelings toward any of you. Apart from considering some of you needlessly rude. But, I guess that's something the LLJK takes pride in(generalizing, there are of course those who don't and the picture of the clan that I've gotten may be the work of individuals).