Dunno if this is "Known" issue or not. but I attacked Ada Kulun the other day and while I was waiting for the battle to take place a Brave and Noble archer ran like hell from his fief with 0 troops and 500 crates; so, as soon as the battle was over (he had been on the run for 7~ hours when the battle ended) I hopped in Ada Kulun and recruited one troop, sold all my leftover gear except for 1 horse and armour/wep for 1 troop, then I quick marched and chased down the Noble Archer with more crates then he knew what to do with. I caught him a couple hours later but despite spending 3 hours (while playing cRPG) trying to attack him, I just kept reaching him and then stopping. I tried going past him then attack back to where he was, I tried everything I could. Shik told me that the fellow was "bugged and permanently immune to being attacked" but Shik is a dirty troll so I don't really trust that answer.
If anyone else has an answer lemme know... If it was just bugged out, then that really sucks cause i would have loved to have had a nice warm bonfire fuelled by 500 crates before getting swarmed by angry zealots in full plate.