Server: EU_2
Time: 17:25
Date: 30.09.2012
Was attacking and had climbed the first wall, aiming towards defenders on the second part of the defenses. See an enemy shielder running towards me, so I switch to melee and back a bit up. Krok then runs up on my side and starts fighting him. I then run around so I get to the shielders back, hit him with a held overhead and the enemy dies. The enemy then falls to the ground and Krok decides to do another swing, which hits me. Seeing as the enemy was lying on the ground then (edit: lying on the ground DEAD), I press m for doing such a stupid th.
I then start running further up to get in cover from the enemy archers, when suddenly I get slashed in the back. I try jumping away, but he runs after and hits me 3 more times, eventually killing me. Obvious intentional tk is intentional.
Sadly, because of the M delay, I only manage to report 3 of the in total 5 hits, making him get a 4/5 (he had on from before, as my first gave him 2/5). Later on, I see Deserter_Duke report him and he gets 5/5 and is kicked. Tried to ask Duke if he intentionally tw'ed him too, but got no reply
Thought I took 2 screenshots when he was tw'ing me, but it seems I didn't :/ I got this huge freeze/delay whenever I take a screenshot in-game so.... Probably should have taken one of the log too.
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