Author Topic: Strategus Player Warbands and Groups  (Read 623 times)

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Strategus Player Warbands and Groups
« on: April 13, 2011, 11:42:45 pm »
As strategus stands (Or will most likely be standing) it is a jumbled mess.
Everyone from the lowest peasant to the king of derp occupies your screen.
Organization between players becomes a nightmare as people struggle between communication, real life, and the annoying desire to eat and sleep as well as use the bathroom.

Having so many players on the screen makes it hard to spot who is doing what.
For instance
There is no way to know if a player is riding to recruit at your town or if he is going to siege it and even if you did it would be near impossible to spot him through the crowd during your quick glances at the strategus map.
A solution you say? Well I think i have one that fixes and improves strategus

Groups - allow for multiple players to volunarily enter under the command of a single (or limited number of) general(s)

By grouping multiple players you can ensure that the volume of players decreases and organizing multiple people for longer/more active operations doesnt end in tears when bob gets left at one side of the map because he couldnt change directions with his group while he was on vacation in the middle of the sahara.

Not only would groups allow for cohesion it would also enable specialization if different types of groups were put in

groups like

Caravans - Increased hauling capacity per player in the group

Brigands - Can attack caravans and cannot be seen by most groups. Also gain rewards for raiding caravans

Man Hunters - Can see brigands. Gain rewards for killing brigands

But the most important groups are these

Armys - Formed ONLY by players IN A FACTION that owns at least ONE FIEF
The must be formed in an ALLIED or OWNED PROVINCE

if entering a non allied/owned province then they are marked as an enemy by the owner of the province and cannot trade there.

A notice will be sent to the players in the faction of the province and they will be given time to react before the siege.

Warbands - Formed ONLY by players IN A FACTION that owns NO FIEFS

There are no restrictions on where these guys can go and can ATTACK FIEFS

They cannot attack a settlement until 6 hours after the group is formed

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Re: Strategus Player Warbands and Groups
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2011, 11:47:12 pm »
Or, get HaraldX's strategus page enhancement (which might as well be the official look sometime), it has various features, such as filtering players by their troop size, etc, making the strategus map far less of a mess.