Author Topic: Not being able to transfer troops under 100  (Read 345 times)

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Not being able to transfer troops under 100
« on: September 19, 2012, 11:24:32 pm »
I like having 100 upkeep free troops but was curious why we can't transfer them, it seems a little awkward in a few cases.

For example: A village is attacked and the defending clan has 10 people with 1,000 troops inside but they can't reinforce the fief.

That does not make sense! 

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Re: Not being able to transfer troops under 100
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2012, 12:02:17 am »
I belive the point being that you have to pay upkeep on anything over a hundred, so by NOT having people transfer their troops(who are under 100) people can't make continual upkeep free armies and combine at the end.

So if you want to make an army, you have to pay for it.

Also did the math, with just strat ticks(10:1) you can handle ~200 troops with just that conversion alone.(so you play crpg a lot, you can have a 200 man army with no problems)
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