Author Topic: (Throwing) What upkeep cost should i expect ?  (Read 600 times)

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(Throwing) What upkeep cost should i expect ?
« on: September 19, 2012, 03:12:14 pm »

I would like to try a throwing/1h build :

if: 5
ps: 6
ath: 6
pt: 6
wm: 6

1h: 50
throw: 150

The equipment would be :

ARMOR: (total: 19 600)

Lodly Nordic warlord helmet
Lodly Light Kuyak
Scale Gauntlets
Rus Splinted Greaves

WEAPONS: (total throwing: 21543 / total 1h : 5582)
Iberian Mace

TOTAL: 46 525

  I know that the wpf increase/decrease like hell the breaking chance but i never tried with 150 wpf so i cant know if i could win gold with this build.

  I have an alt with a build similar to this one, with 3 jarid and 132 wpf in throwing and 5 PT (he is lvl 23 atm) and i'm not losing any gold at all. This alt has a cheaper armor tho, but i really dont want to be playing on eu_1 with less than 50 body armor with my main.

If the jarids almost never breaks it would be more like a 30k gold build in therm of upkeep. (i hope so ....)

Does anyone know how much these 4 jarid will cost me ? (a formula would do  :D )
« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 03:19:40 pm by GuiKa »

Offline Digglez

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Re: (Throwing) What upkeep cost should i expect ?
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2012, 09:01:55 pm »
repair costs are 7% of the items value, so 502 for one stack of jarids...not really worth it unless you are trying to be some heavy armor killer.

as a thrower you should really be bringing different types of ammo for difference purposes. 

Daggers/stars: light armor victims, archers, etc
Axes: anyone in medium or lighter armor
Darts/Jarid/jav/spear: people in heavy armor, 60+

Anyone under 50 armor heavy axes will do about the same damage (OR MORE) for half the cost.  You could also save money by just using heavy axe as melee weapon instead of a separate weapon.  Really, what percentage of your damage is from that weapon and how often do you need blunt damage as a thrower?  If someone in plate is catching you, something is wrong already.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 09:05:54 pm by Digglez »

Offline GuiKa

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Re: (Throwing) What upkeep cost should i expect ?
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2012, 09:53:08 pm »
repair costs are 7% of the items value, so 502 for one stack of jarids...not really worth it unless you are trying to be some heavy armor killer.

as a thrower you should really be bringing different types of ammo for difference purposes. 

Daggers/stars: light armor victims, archers, etc
Axes: anyone in medium or lighter armor
Darts/Jarid/jav/spear: people in heavy armor, 60+

Anyone under 50 armor heavy axes will do about the same damage (OR MORE) for half the cost.  You could also save money by just using heavy axe as melee weapon instead of a separate weapon.  Really, what percentage of your damage is from that weapon and how often do you need blunt damage as a thrower?  If someone in plate is catching you, something is wrong already.

The reasons i'm focusing onto jarid is :
1: I'll probably buy masterwork Jarid when i'll retire.
2: Throwing axes are just good to take down cav, the missile speed is too low to hit someone who is trying to dodge you.
3: I'll take Dagger only on siege or when i want to save golds, otherwise it's a waste for my killing power.

 Also the Iberian mace is here for the weight (no stun) and the knockdown (totally op), most of the player i will face in melee will be armored and i don't want to glance on them. If i use my melee weapon on an archer, having blunt or cut doesn't change the fact that he will die.
  Using Throwing axes as melee weapon is still an option tho, especially considering that it will not break often thanks to the 150 throwing wpf.