was the motto of my favorite computer game ever: SHADOWBANE
Shadowbane was great, there was no story aside from what the players made and it was centered around guild PVP.
You made your own cities, and others tried to destroy them. Compared to today's games, I would call it 'hardmode', because you lose your entire inventory when you die, (or you get to loot it from someone else). Also, your only real home/spawn point is the city you or your guild leader founds, which you must work hard to build up from scratch. But if you cross someone, or if they just don't like you, they can attack you and destroy everything and take the spot for themselves, leaving you homeless and your guild with nowhere to make weapons and armor.
I remember on eof the most memorable sieges. Undead Lords (a guild) and a few allies (this is where I fit in) vs the Carebear Alliance (rest of the server), we were outnumbered at least two to one, but still took the city.
As a result of all the pre-siege shit talking, the city was renamed "Humble Pie" after being taken.
I miss that game.
I played SB from release to when they finally closed the game down. There is still a project going to remake the game from dedicated ex-SB players, but I doubt it will ever come to fruition.
My dream would be to use the M&B engine to make a SB server, much like Strategus, but like a mmo type world.
Anyone else an ex-SB player?