Author Topic: Anyone want to play some Warhammer Fantasy Tabletop using  (Read 1017 times)

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Anyone want to get down on a game of tabletop Warhammer Fantasy using or any other websites?

Probably looking to start smaller 500pt or 1000pt battles. I haven't tried using to play but I'm interested in using it. So it will be quite slow at first I'd imagine, lots of stuff to learn and it will take a while to setup armies and learn how to use it's interface, etc...

On the other hand, I'm very familiar with Warhammer Fantasy and all the rules. Only place I'm lacking is in special rules/ spells/ abilities of other armies. Would be nice if you knew the rules also  :wink: but if not you can learn pretty fast after playing a few games... you'll need to read the core rule book to get the basics down before we play though.

Let me know if your interested, post here or PM me.

I'm planning on playing a High Elves army... and maybe a Lizardmen or Beastmen army in subsequent matches.

Offline zagibu

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I think a problem could be making sure everyone has the same version of the core rules and army codices. Because I imagine a lot has changed since I last played some 10 years ago or something.

If we can get this obstacle out of the way I would be interested in giving it a try, and since you already picked the High Elves, I would play Dwarves or maybe Orcs. Or we could go to the 40K setting, in which case I would play Chaos Space Marines.
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Offline Sir_Hans

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Yep, currently the rulebook is in the 8th edition, which is the rulebook I've been using.
There definitely has been a bit of changes from 10 years ago (4th or 5th edition rulebooks)

The individual army books vary but most likely have been or one or two new editions in the past 10 years depending on the army. They, most likely, have quite a few less changes over the last 10 years than the rulebook... but definitely still have some changes and new units.

I'm not too experienced in 40k, I just know the bare minimum game mechanics. Ideally I would prefer to play fantasy over 40k.

Here's an online listing of the Warhammer Fantasy Rulebook 8th edition If you want to brush up on rules/changes and play a game.

Can probably find a better one in color if you search online, but this one is pretty easy to read... just some of the diagrams might be harder to see because of its black and white.
You'll also need the specific armies book for whichever army your going to play which can usually be found online as well. If you wanted to play a high elves vs high elves match I wouldn't care... It would simplify the game since our units would both have similar/identical stats. Dwarves would be a great starting choice just because they don't use any wizards/mages, so you wouldn't have to worry about that part of the gameplay. But play whichever army you want. Orcs is definitely a solid choice too.

I'm "The Saint of Killers" on steam if you want to add me... msg me anytime you want to try to play 1 or let me know what time would work best.  :mrgreen:

Offline zagibu

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I just skimmed through the Rulebook and I kind of forgot how involved those rules are. 150 pages of rules is kind of intimidating.
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Offline Sir_Hans

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Yeah there are quite a few rules, and a lot of them are hard to remember the specifics... combat resolution and the magic phase has been the hardest for me to remember, I always play with the rulebook on hand and opened to relevant sections.

40k is definitely a bit more streamlined and user friendly. But I love me some warhammer fantasy.  :mrgreen:

Totally understand if you don't want to try it out... I imagine it's going to be a very slow first few games and probably pretty boring because of it. Even once you get the rules down (and once we learn the universal battle interface) the games still progress pretty slowly.