Author Topic: New server with class-balance.  (Read 352 times)

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New server with class-balance.
« on: August 30, 2012, 02:28:03 pm »
Hello all.

I have a suggestion that i'm sure, a lot of players are expecting since long time. Now, we are bored because of disbalance on cRpg. People whining about ranged, cavalry without seeing that it's not the problem of crpg. The problem is when one team have a lot of cavalry and the other don't have. The same as ranged. We suggested it about 1000 times, but developers dont wanted to do, and I don't know the reason.

My suggestion is enabling a class balance only for a server, like cRPG melee (EU_X or NA_X for example), this way:
- At the start of the game, or after the first round, the server split the players by level/build to create two teams with similar builds. It's not based on inventory, just on skills and level. A example:

Player server list:
- 10 players with 6 powerdraw.
- 4 players with 5 powerdraw.
- 10 players with 6 riding
- 2 players with 5 riding.
- 20 infantry players.

After the first rounds, teams should be something like:

Team A:
- 5 players with 6PD
- 2 players with 5PD
- 5 Players with 6RD
- 1 Player with 5Rd

Team B:
- 5 players with 6PD
- 2 players with 5PD
- 5 Players with 6RD
- 1 Player with 5Rd

This way there won't be ever disbalance between team and playing will be more competitive. I just throw my proposition. Only for a server for testing purposes where players can decide to join it to play equlibrated rounds. Thanks all for reading.

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Re: New server with class-balance.
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2012, 03:19:50 pm »
This is more along the lines of what balance should be like in general, there doesn't need to be a special server made for this. Banner should ideally be the last or very close to the last variable taken into account when balancing teams. Say it's a 40 on 40 match, and 20 people are wearing the same banner, all being put on the same team based primarily on that fact; if the opposing side doesn't have an equal force that's quite an advantage to be just handed over.

In that same 40 on 40 scenario however, a smaller group, say 3-5 men strong, wouldn't be terribly imbalanced. I'd like to see some form of a "sure-thing" towards balancing me with my friends, but on a smaller scale, and independent of the faction/banner system, so that anyone could use it, but the number in a group would be much smaller (as above, 3-5). This way I could be assured that in the majority of cases (in a lower pop server this could be limited/turned off) I'd wind up with a few of the guys, even if I have to go up against another segment. Didn't something like that exist for a period? The battlegroups thing? I admit that I don't really know much about it; is it still around?

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Re: New server with class-balance.
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2012, 03:52:14 pm »
Agreed with Mala.  We don't need a server for this, we just need a better balancing system.  Banner balance should be taken into account whenever possible, but the most important variables should be relatively balanced teams by class and who the best players are.  The real dominant kill whores should be balanced out, classes should be relatively balanced (not 100% necessarily), and then try to put the people with the same banner on the same team.

Banner balance is weighted way too heavily at the moment.  These are public servers after all, not scrimmages or matches, but exhibition. 
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