Author Topic: Unban me (account includes bienpro, projectnemesis and lord_armagedon)  (Read 561 times)

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Offline theprojectnemesis

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Hey guys, I don't know why but I got banned from crpg mod in Mount & blade. I don't know if it's temporary or permanent. I was in NA siege server and these people were getting mad. I really was trying but you can't really do something against pro players when you have a just new character. The first round i forgot that i didn't had any stuff cause i solded it and thats when an Hospitallier guy got mad and then they started punching me and kicking me telling me i was useless and a leecher and i got tired and started fighting back with my fist and thats when the admin (i think it was Archer) banned me for i dont know how much time. I understand that he believes these fully armored guy more then me but it was just a brutal ban. He didn't checked the info or if i was really a leecher he just banned me right away cause people in the server were telling the admins were bad and idk he wanted toprove himself or something. I'm not mad against him, I just want him to repair his error and unbam me. Just ask people on the NA ''defend the virgin'' server where i play all the time, i'm far from being trouble and im knowed there. I find it sad that new characters are so badly threaten, not my fault if i started playing this mod 3 days ago :(.

thx in advance!

Offline Muki

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Re: Unban me (account includes bienpro, projectnemesis and lord_armagedon)
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2012, 09:01:50 am »
lord_armagedon    PhantomZero    18.08.2012 09:37:50    teamkiller    

Ban Expires At 18.08.2012 09:37:50 (Server Time)

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As a volunteer admin I clearly have no life and live only to eradicate all fun and enjoyment from the game. Your tears of rage are all the payment I need.
Yes I drew most of my avatars

Offline theprojectnemesis

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Re: Unban me (account includes bienpro, projectnemesis and lord_armagedon)
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2012, 09:08:02 am »
Teamkiller? Really? Can you review logs cause I didn't kill anybody. Archer might have misunderstood the situation. As I explained, it was a new character and was trying to be useful as gaining level and these guys got mad at me and started kicking me and punching me. Though I got banned for leeching (even if I wasn't, admin could have understood it that way). I didnt in any case teamkilled. Yes I hitted the guy who attacked me, but thats not TK that's replying to a guy attacking you.

Offline PhantomZero

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Re: Unban me (account includes bienpro, projectnemesis and lord_armagedon)
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2012, 09:19:18 am »
No dog, I witnessed you kicking people attempting to open gates, kicking teammates on ladders, and generally being a pain in the ass.

In any case,

Yes I hitted the guy who attacked me, but thats not TK that's replying to a guy attacking you.

Retaliatory teamwounding is not allowed.

I'll shorten your ban by a day, go watch some sharks on discovery and stop annoying your teammates.

Though you are correct, the reasoning should have been teamwounding/leeching instead.
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