Author Topic: Ban/Unban Requests  (Read 1400 times)

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Ban/Unban Requests
« on: April 11, 2011, 09:41:51 pm »
Ok this thread will be there to make sure you all know what to write if you get banned hopefully noone will.


If you are banned, 99% of the time it would have been the admins decision and most likely the correct one. Hopefully youve all read the server rules and understand what not to do.

So if you have been banned please state why you think you were banned. The admin who banned you and the most important thing of all the time. Once and if you fill one out i will then consult the ban logs (and if there is evidence you may have altered the story such as trashtalkling but saying you swore once or twice then the evidence of chat will be posted here.) This request will be consulted with head admins and myself and we will decide the severity and the length of the ban. These vary in lenght for example, mulitple tks will get you around maybe a week whereas trastalking a few days.

Ban request

No matter how much admins try they are not eveywhere at once therefore if you see people abusing the rules then pelase do not hesitate from posting the name and why.

The form of ban request should be filled out as laid out here:

Person who needs to be banned:
Reason for possible banning:

The time and evidence are the most important. The time because within the logs i can then quickly get to the designated time instead of flicking through 24 hours of data trying to find the correct point. Evidence, logs may be one thing but they do not recall all teamkills, sometimes not at all therefore please use screenshots and post them in your post.

Requests should be a new post not a reply to this one. Any queries or questions will go in this thread.