Server: EU_5
Time: 16:40-16:50
So this guy was derpy and kept running in front of allied ranged and got teamhit. He didn't do it to grief, just failed horribly at thinking. Since he kept reporting it, I asked him why he didn't run around instead which made him get angry at me.
New round starts and for some fucked up reason ReD_WaR__ decides to teamkill Risen_Thetrowing. (Screen 1).
For obvious TK at spawn, I decided to make a poll. I wrote a reason in chat and made it. That made his friend, BlackDevil_RE_ decide to teamkill me too. (Screen2). You can also see that there were no enemies behind me at the time (screenshot 2 and 3. The ones in 3 can be seen in FRONT of me in screen 2).
When the poll failed at 48%, ReD_WaR__ immediatly banpolls ME for "teamkilling". (Scrreen 4). I don't know why he thinks BEING TEAMKILLED is banable, so I guess we can add poll abusing to the case.
New round starts and ReD_WaR__ teamhits me again, (Screen 5) and later in the match teamkills Risen_Thetrowing (screen 6).
By then I finished the round and quit just to make this thread. They probably are still there griefing like mad monkeys on acid.
Please make this a long ban.