Author Topic: New to Strategus (I have a few questions...)  (Read 996 times)

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New to Strategus (I have a few questions...)
« on: July 10, 2012, 03:02:09 am »
My first question regards the faction colours on the map. Is there anyway to associate the colours on the map to an actual name of a clan? I would like to see who all these reds and greens actually are!

Also, I've recently gotten into cRPG with a group of friends who I've been gaming with for a while. Three of us are quite active, the other two, not so much. As a group of ~5 will we be able to take on and claim any part of the map for any prolonged period of time, or will the bigger clans just take our castle away from us :P?

If it's the case that we're too small to compete, are other, bigger clans interested in alliances with smaller clans such as our clan? (Triplicity, is our clan name). Or will we have to bite the bullet and join a bigger clan to have any kind of fun in Strategus?

Also, when it comes to sieging unclaimed keeps... How does this work? Do NPCs fight against us? What kind of troop ratio do we need to win (will we need to outnumber them vastly, say 3 to 1?)? Or is it quite easy to do? What kind of equipment will we need?

Also any other friendly advice is welcome! You have my full attention :)

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Re: New to Strategus (I have a few questions...)
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2012, 06:39:56 am »
Is there anyway to associate the colours on the map to an actual name of a clan? There are a few maps on this forum that explain who everyone is but the one i use is broke, so you kind of have to remember them. You can also click on anyone in range and it will show their faction so you can start learning the colors.

 As a group of ~5 will we be able to take on and claim any part of the map for any prolonged period of time, or will the bigger clans just take our castle away from us :P? No you wont be able to take or hold anything with that group, everything is pretty much snatched up.  If you stockpile for a couple months you might be able to find an abandoned village by some group that has left strat, but not likely.

If it's the case that we're too small to compete, are other, bigger clans interested in alliances with smaller clans such as our clan? (Triplicity, is our clan name). Or will we have to bite the bullet and join a bigger clan to have any kind of fun in Strategus?  Most of strat is divided up between a number of large alliances with smaller factions in them, start your faction get to the same location on the strat map, then start shopping around for an alliance nearby that you can start crafting for.

Also, when it comes to sieging unclaimed keeps... How does this work? Do NPCs fight against us? What kind of troop ratio do we need to win (will we need to outnumber them vastly, say 3 to 1?)? Or is it quite easy to do? What kind of equipment will we need? There are no more unclaimed keeps to fight for, but generally the AI will automatically pick troops from those who sign up for them and you need roughly a 1-1 ticket ratio to take an AI feif

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Re: New to Strategus (I have a few questions...)
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2012, 12:57:38 pm »
Really? Everything is taken? I thought the white colour represented an unclaimed fief?

Also, how do I invite people into my clans faction within Strategus?

Thanks for answering all of my questions :)!

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Re: New to Strategus (I have a few questions...)
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2012, 01:26:00 pm »
White fiefs are still AI-owned, but they're just islands in player-controlled zones. They're not so much up for grabs as waiting to be taken at the de facto owner's leisure. A five-man faction has no chance of capturing any of them.

You can't invite people, they need to find you on the map and apply to join.

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Re: New to Strategus (I have a few questions...)
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2012, 01:36:20 pm »
They're not so much up for grabs as waiting to be taken at the de facto owner's leisure.

how very CK2 of you

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Re: New to Strategus (I have a few questions...)
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2012, 02:37:02 pm »
If you're 5 people only, it surely isn't possible to claim fiefs yourself, however you can work together with another bigger clan as their vasalls. Just ask an active Strategus clans and get in contact with them, you also dont have to join them if you dont want to.
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Re: New to Strategus (I have a few questions...)
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2012, 06:23:43 pm »
Where are you located on the map right now? My friend and I are building up a small army in Curaw and looking to do some damage somewhere, although I fear we may have to throw in our lot w/ some giant clan somewhere and spend our days crafting straw hats.
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