I thought I might compile some changes/improvements I'd like to see for crpg.net. If anyone has any comments or stuff to add/change just post about it. Hopefully whoever updated the site recently can add some of these things at some point, unless someone else could do some of this
Give tabs in our inventory area for each item type rather than them all being in 1 area. This should be optional so you just tick the ones you want to display
Allow ordering by set criteria rather than everything ordered based on when it was bought. Alphabetical, cost, weight, upkeep etc
Add true WPF weight modifier for gloves / helmet in addition to base weight
Show upkeep cost
Paperdoll area:
Show total weight.
WPF penalty
True item cost rather than incorrect value (the loomed value is meaningless I believe)
Total combined upkeep cost. This might be unneeded with true value displayed
Order equipment in the drop down menu a bit more logically rather than by when it was bought (alphabetical at least)
In the drop down menu for weapons make it so you can decide which items are displayed for that slot
In the drop down menu for armour make it so you can decide which items are displayed for that slot based on weight/cost
Add "Offered gold" tab or something similar so you can request an item at a specific price
Add safer loom point trading tools.
Add some recent transaction info. So we can see what people have been buying and at what prices they went for. Doesn't need to show who was involved, just some stats and maybe graphs for the item for the past month (Eve Online stylee)
In the "You Demand" organise the stuff a bit better. Maybe have tabs for each item tab or order alphabetically
Allow decimal place / commas in gold area (so 120,000 comes out as 120000 rather than 120)
I think a lot of people will never use this tab, just because they don't really know how to get involved properly or what it is. I think there should be a specific Strategus tab that has this involved somehow, with info on what strategus is and how to get into it. Its very unuser friendly atm, and there isn't even a link to it on the site
Its quite easy to mess up your build if you put the wrong number in here, and theres no confirmation popup. Should popup showing what the change will do (17-18 strength etc). The first character I made I put in the number I wanted it to go to rather than the amount I wanted it to increase by. It was STF so didn't matter but I bet that happens a lot for new players