Pure statistics, why should the % chance to get a 10 rounds winning spree be any different than the one of a 10 times losing spree? (not counting in GTXs, ofc)
While some poor guy had 16 rounds of x1 in battle. I think it is fine in siege, you are able to get the x2 and x3 easier, but x5 is more scarce.
Both of these comments don't wholly take into account "statistics" as stated.
Twenty rounds of back and forth wins between each team is nowhere near as profitable to EVERYONE had both teams gotten a 10 round win spree. One averages a 1.5 multiplier while the other averages a 2.5 multiplier.
With the current system of multipliers, it's in everyone's interest to have teams as
unbalanced and
random as possible. That way every map becomes 1:4/0:4. When has anyone ever seen a team that consisted of only a clan? And I mean that specifically, not a team of 50-60% one clan, where the rest are randoms, because this(teams consisting of 50% clan members on each team) is optimal for xp/gold with the current system. This means that with every map change you have either a 1/3 or 50% chance to be on the "stacked" team, if you're not attached to others by a banner and assuming teams
will be stacked.
I don't have a clan, the only people that use my banner are the extremely rare randoms who tend to be absolutely atrocious and the guys from my vent that play about 10% as often as I do. This should show that my opinion isn't biased favoring banner balance.
My point here is that
A) Banner balance specifically is fine aside from needing some minor tweaks.
B) Balance needs to also look at assists and where players have their wpf allocated or, not look at K:D at all (Thus increasing the random factor for teams at the start of each map, making them more imbalanced and nearly completely random with who gets on the stacked team, maximizing everyone's average multiplier).
Siege is a bit different because the majority of the maps are completely imbalanced and break further when people bring mass numbers of ladders. Spawns for siege tend put defenders nearly as far from the flag on their respawn as attackers, not to mention the static 30 second respawn timer rather than a timer that causes defenders to respawn in waves, like every good multiplayer ctf mode. Hell, even WoW battlegrounds have wave respawns.