Bans shouldnt be enforced unless it was round altering. This is to say to the extent that it did change the assumed outcome or had a large enough impact to where it could have easily.
After round TKs have absolutely no impact on the round itself and should not be punished, I know thats not what this was but its an example.
In this case: That bottom pic shows 7v1 and I'm willing to believe the 1 isnt Saul requesting duels. TKing a couple in this situation is not round altering at all. If it was 3v1 and he took out two to make it 1v1, that is round altering.
If the TKs happened at the beginning of the round or during the middle, and were intentional... all I see in the pictures is end of round TKing, then it should be punishable. In the event that people on your team started TWing him then they aggrivated the situation and should be held accountable too, the procedure in this situation is to get an admin and have the person removed, you do not retaliate.
In my opinion this is a warning at most