A lot of people have been complaining about strat dieing and such, and quite some people(especially newer people/small factions) have low chances to grow, since it's pretty impossible to counter deathstacks.
So I started thinking a bit, what could be done to make both strat and the battles more interesting, I came to the conclusion that increasing the amount of troops you can have from 49 to 99 for free could give strat a (small) boost again.
This would mean people have bigger chances to attack the deathstacks,
It would allow smaller factions to fight for empty villages easily, thus decreasing the power of the big alliances, and increasing the influence of smaller factions, and potentialy new alliances.
You would also obviously need to equip the extra men, which could increase trade between blacksmiths, and trade in general.
I think this could be an interesting change in strat, voice your opinion!