Please, if you do a banrequest, always state the server you were on when it happened. Easier for us to find out in the logs what happened.
Okay, found it on Server 2. He reported you for teamwounding first, then appearantly went on to teamwound you. 2 minutes later, he appearantly saw you opening some doors?
Excerpt from the logs:
41614: 21:26:30 - AnalBleedingDueToHemorrhoids reported Znavets for teamwounding. Penalty: [1/5]
41629: 21:26:45 - Znavets reported AnalBleedingDueToHemorrhoids for teamwounding. Penalty: [3/5]
41668: 21:27:28 - Znavets TheChild
41671: 21:27:29 - Znavets Canegod
41679: 21:27:33 - TreV3ler Znavets
41745: 21:28:46 - Znavets Sir_Oldstick
41746: 21:28:46 - Kalidor Znavets
41818: 21:30:09 - AnalBleedingDueToHemorrhoids reported Znavets for teamwounding. Penalty: [2/5]
41824: 21:30:17 - AnalBleedingDueToHemorrhoids reported Znavets for teamwounding. Penalty: [3/5]
41826: 21:30:20 - Znavets AnalBleedingDueToHemorrhoids
41828: 21:30:21 - AnalBleedingDueToHemorrhoids reported Znavets for teamwounding. Penalty: [4/5]
41836: 21:30:27 - Znavets xrisenator
41859: 21:30:55 - Znavets Mitain3
41864: 21:31:06 - scorpion_AxeEffect Znavets
41928: 21:32:06 - Znavets Kalidor
41956: 21:32:41 - Tercio_Manuel Znavets
42038: 21:34:17 - Znavets 22nd_Pst_TheLast_Leo
42046: 21:34:23 - Znavets gorilla
42054: 21:34:29 - Znavets Canegod
42059: 21:34:34 - Guard_Bifi Znavets
42077: 21:34:54 - [Znavets] HE OPENED THE GATE AS DEFENDER
42088: 21:35:13 - [Znavets] i saw it
42092: 21:35:17 - [Znavets] it was anak
42094: 21:35:19 - [Znavets] anal
42095: 21:35:22 - [Znavets] 100%
42098: 21:35:27 - [Znavets] no
42101: 21:35:31 - [Znavets] you scum
42133: 21:35:45 - [Znavets] you yes
Yes, eu2(siege),sorry,a forgot to write it. Unfortunately, I havent screen, but I was far away from doors, because just spawned after death. I was so messed up and confused with this BAN-poll, so didnt make a screen. What about TH, I hited him in return once(to tell him, I dont take masicistic pleasure from TK), after he started his Tkilling, but he slashed me on purpose, when there were no enemies around, strike by strike.