1. The enemy horseman was not fighting you, but me. Being a retard, I possess a computer that handles spawning with difficulty - I'm often obligated to find cover during the first sixty seconds, during which time players spawn and am prone to severe freezes.
Eager for the kill, the horseman gets himself trapped in my shelter, I dismount him, freeze, miss him (all the while standing still, while you were to the SIDE) and take an arrow to the HEAD. Now, either you're SEVERELY incompetent, were yourself suffering from a freeze or AIMED for ME.
Upon calling me a retard I suspected it might have been intentional, but the second team kill made it absolutely clear.
2. As you said, you were trying to indicate the whereabouts of the enemy. You did so two ways : the first attempt, unsuccessful, consisted in typing "HERE" multiple times - indeed it is truly a WONDER that we couldn't see them, but then perhaps we were all retards! The second attempt, and perhaps more original - consisted in aiming for me, from half the map away as I was walking towards you, fireing and killing me.
Yeah, that got our attention.
Both of these hits were INTENTIONAL and you ARE a TEAM KILLER.
Hope someone will get around to taking out the trash! Thanks in advance.