No, it's expensive to purchase, costs a ton in upkeep, slows you down and lowers your WPF. If you do decide to use one of those hybrid throwing builds, get your throwing skill up to where you can use heavy throwing axes (around 87-88 I think) early, otherwise when leveling slows down you will have to wait to utilize them. I'm wearing Huscarl Helmet, Light Kuyak, Mail Gauntlets, Leather Boots and using that Thane build, if I got much heavier my throwing is hurt.
You won't be taking a lot of hits in heavy armor, if someone like Serge or Miley etc hits you, you're dead, even in heavy armor. The goal is to use that shield/footwork and pray to God you don't get hit and someone comes to save you.
Your weapons are the most important thing and what you should invest the most in.