Takes 1 line of code to reset attack action on dismount.
The problem is NOT being able to use a slightly different attack animation when off the horse. That would needlessly kill fun for players who do some funny
looking things with friends on.
The glitch is that HE couldn't see that I was holding an attack chambered after I got off the horse. So he only saw the animation of when I released the attack, that's the glitch, and it is something wrong with clients, only some people see the glitch SOMETIMES, I only knew about it because he freaked out on me in teamspeak when I happened to do it once on a map since it was an insta-stab that he didn't see.
So we tested it.
That was the first test, he couldn't see it.
We went to the duel server later: he couldn't see the first 3 of the attacks -- But after that it only worked 25% of the time. 75% of the time he would see the attack as intended.
I could not find a trigger as to why it only showed sometimes and not others, I did nothing differently.